Total War Warhammer 2 The Hunter The Beast DLC


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Buy Total War WARHAMMER 2 The Hunter & The Beast DLC

The Hunter & The Beast is the latest Lords Pack for Total War: WARHAMMER II. Introducing two rival Legendary Lords from the world of Warhammer Fantasy Battles, each with their own objectives, mechanics, units and playstyle, for use in both the Eye of the Vortex and Mortal Empires campaigns, and custom/multiplayer battles.

  • Two richly themed new Legendary Lords lead their own factions: Markus Wulfhart leads the Huntsmarshal’s Expedition (Empire), and Nakai The Wanderer leads the Spirit of the Jungle
  • Each Legendary Lord brings their own unique faction mechanics, quest-chains, legendary items, skill-trees and campaign narrative
  • Devastating new ranged units, mobile gunpowder batteries and fabled Hunter Heroes for the Huntsmarshal’s Expedition
  • Towering new Dread Saurians, the largest beasts to walk the world of Total War: WARHAMMER, plus new Kroxigors, Razordons and Rites for Spirit of the Jungle
  • New Regiments of Renown to unlock, recruit and field


Fearless, charismatic, daring: these are but a few of the epithets bestowed upon Markus Wulfhart, the Huntsmarshal of Emperor Karl Franz. With his band of ruthless trackers, scouts, hunters and sharpshooters, who better to dispatch to the steaming jungles of Lustria, in order to plant the flag and further Imperial interests? And if some Big Game should wander into the crosshairs, why, all the better…

But the jungle does not sleep. Nakai The Wanderer, revered Kroxigor of the first-spawning, is a living legend among the Lizardmen. Wandering the jungles of Lustria since the destruction of his home-city of Tlanxla during the Great Catastrophe, he follows where the Great Plan wills him.
Now Lustria is at threat from usurpers once more. Nakai will rally the Sacred Kroxigors, and rouse the Dread Saurians from their ageless slumber – the Old Ones demand it!

Markus Wulfhart (The Huntsmarshal’s Expedition)

Unique faction mechanics:

Emperor’s Mandate
As Markus Wulfhart expands Imperial interests in Lustria, his stature in the eyes of the Emperor grows. As a result, he receives a broadening range of increasingly advanced Empire units to aid in his expedition. As new territory is captured, his building options also diversify. In the Eye of the Vortex campaign, Markus will ultimately face the Spirit of the Jungle himself, Nakai the Wanderer, to decide who holds dominion over the jungles of Lustria.

Wulfhart’s campaign progress is measured by how effectively he fulfils the Emperor’s Mandate. Expansion, successful military operations and other campaign activities increase his acclaim, which is tracked on the Emperor’s Mandate bar.

The Emperor’s Mandate also dictates the quality of units available to Wulfhart via the Imperial Supplies system, which dispatches better units for him to recruit from time to time. As the Mandate bar fills, he will also unlock bonuses to further improve these units, plus new recruitment buildings.

In the Eye of the Vortex campaign, filling the Emperor’s Mandate bar will cause Nakai the Wanderer to issue a final, do-or-die challenge to Markus Wulfhart – a call to battle that will become the stuff of legend!

The lands beyond the Empire are inimical to man, and Wulfhart’s actions will not go unnoticed. While defeating the local inhabitants improves Wulfhart’s Imperial standing and increases his supply of fresh troops, it also enrages Lustria’s native denizens…

Wulfhart’s Hostility rating reflects the current level of Lustria’s retaliation against his military activities. Aggressive activities, such as military actions and raiding, can raise Hostility through five levels. Conversely, a more passive approach to the campaign will cause Hostility to fall.

Each Hostility level has a negative effect on Wulfhart’s campaign, but is also a measure of his aggression against the Lizardmen. As he ascends through the Hostility levels, reinforcements are dispatched more frequently via the Imperial Supplies system. The strength of these reinforcements is still dictated by the Emperor’s Mandate bar.

When peak Hostility is reached, a Lizardmen task-force is dispatched with the aim of defeating Wulfhart. He will instantly receive an Imperial Supplies drop and will need to survive sustained assault for a number of turns before the hostility bar resets.

Wulfhart’s Hunters
Scattered throughout Lustria are four of the finest Hunters that ever lived. Wulfhart may attempt to track them down and acquire their services to aid in the expedition’s success, and subsequently developing each Hunter’s unique attributes and learning the tales of their past deeds.

Wulfhart can search for the four Hunters in the Jungles of Lustria by completing special missions. The Hunters each have bespoke stories which are uncovered through unique missions. Completing these missions will reward them with new traits and powerful abilities.

The Hunters are not required to complete Wulfhart’s narrative Vortex campaign, but bring major benefits to the Huntsmarshal’s Expedition.

  • Jorek Grimm is a brilliant Master Engineer. Shunned for his eccentric ideas, he has struck out alone to seek his fortune in Lustria…
  • Rodrik L’Anguille was once a renowned Paladin. Disgraced and exiled however, he is haunted by a past he cannot escape…
  • Hertwig Van Hal, a skilled physician and Witch Hunter, has travelled far from home on his quest for ultimate vengeance…
  • Kalara of Wydrioth, the eminent Waystalker, has traded the forests of Avelorn for the jungles of Lustria in pursuit of redemption…

New units and characters:

Markus Wulfhart
In battle, Wulfhart is a ranged combatant with a powerful armour-piercing bow which deals bonus damage to large targets. Coupled with Vanguard Deployment, Stalk, a 360-degree fire-arc and immune to psychology, he has a well-deserved reputation as the ultimate monster hunter.

In keeping with his reputation, Markus Wulfhart has a significant ambush defence and ambush success chance, and a large upkeep reduction to Huntsmen and Archers in his army.

Huntsman General (Lord)
Following Wulfhart’s example, his Huntsman Generals have Vanguard Deployment, Stalk, a 360-degree fire-arc are immune to psychology, and deal bonus damage against large targets. Their Fire Arrow capabilities mean they synergise well with Bright Wizards, and they grant reload-rate bonuses to other Imperial missile units.

The backbone of Wulfhart’s hunting-parties, these Imperial archers are inexpensive, plentiful, quick to fire, and are great at soaking enemy formations with ranged damage. Their loose formation enables them to trade fire with other ranged units at a profit.

Deathjacks (Archers – Regiments of Renown)
These elite archers also have Stalk, Snipe and Vanguard Deployment, enabling them to strike fast, strike first, and remain hidden from view. If well-screened, they can continue to fire without fear of discovery or ranged retaliation.

Only the finest archers ascend to the rank of Huntsmen. Well-drilled and versatile, they have Vanguard Deployment and Stalk, can fire while moving, have a greater range than standard Archers, enjoy a good degree of accuracy, and deal bonus damage to large targets.

White Wolves (Huntsmen – Regiment of Renown)
Few face the White Wolves and live to tell of it. These elite Huntsmen match their bow-skills with ruthless melee capabilities, granting them a useful hybrid role. Alongside their Hunter attributes, they also Encourage nearby friendlies and are Immune to Psychology.

War Wagon
These mobile armoured wagons are packed with six riflemen, each armed with an armour-piercing Outrider rifle. Slower than standard missile cavalry but far more resilient, they can fire while moving and in all directions, and reposition to place their fusillades precisely where required. In a pinch, they can also be used as chariots and charged into lighter or weakened enemy units.

War Wagon (Mortar)
These mobile artillery pieces may carry less ammo than standard mortars, but more than make up for it by being able to stay one step ahead of melee combatants, repositioning when threatened to set up a new base-of-fire and bombard the foe afresh.

The Black Lions (War Wagon – Helblaster Volley Gun – Regiment of Renown)
The ultimate unit in The Expedition’s armoury, The Black Lion is a devastating mobile light artillery piece. While shorter ranged than a standard Helblaster Volley Gun, it can pump rounds into approaching troops until the last second, then reposition to avoid getting caught in melee.

Nakai the Wanderer (Spirit of the Jungle)







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