EA (Electronic Arts) is the official Sims game maker. The EA app is their chosen official download method

INSTALLING THE SIMS 4 MAIN GAME (for Expansion Packs skip to Step 4)

STEP 1) DOWNLOAD and INSTALL the official EA APP by going to the website via the following link: ELECTRONIC ARTS SITE  (If you already have the EA App please skip to STEP 3). Once on the EA website click the download button as shown in the image above.


STEP 2) Click the button that corresponds with your opperating system to download the EA App then follow all the prompts provided to Install it.


STEP 3) Once installed, open the EA App and either login or create an account.


STEP 3) Once logged into your account, it should look something like the image above. Navigate to the menu on the lower left, hover over where it says THE SIMS 4, then click the download button that appears.


STEP 3) This will start the download and a bar will appear in the bottom left indicating the progress of the download process. This is the full game so this will take a while, how long depends on your internet speed but we recommend doing something else to pass the time at this point. The bar will indicate when the download and installation process is complete and your The Sims 4 game will then be available in the EA App LIBRARY via the menu on the left. If you have an expansion pack as well, continue to the next step.



STEP 4) Navigate to your EA APP LIBRARY via the menu on the left. There you will see your previously installed Sims 4 main game. Click the “+ REDEEM CODE” button on the right as shown in the image above:


STEP 5)  In the Box that opens, enter the GAME ACTIVATION CODE that we sent you via EMAIL (if you do not find it be sure to check both your email Inbox and Spam folders). After you have entered the code, click NEXT


STEP 6) The next screen will show you what game the code activates. If the game shown is not the one you expected, stop at this stage and contact us immediately. If it is the right game, click CONFIRM. It will then confirm that the unique code has been activated and the game has been permanently attached your account.


STEP ) In the next screen click DOWNLOAD. The download progress will then once again be shown in the bottom right corner. Being an expansion pack, this should not take too long.


STEP ) Once the download is complete, navigate to the LIBRARY once again and it will now indicate under your The Sims main game that an add-on is installed. To Play your game, simple click the PLAY shaped button on your Sims 4 Game icon. All installed expansion packs are automatically integrated into the main gameso you do not need to click each one seperately, just open the main game.

Thats it, when you get any more expansion packs from us, you’ll simple follow the process from step 4 onwards.